Provided with opportunities to experience secure attachment relationships with key adult figures
To experience the programme environment as a “safe place”
To experience and understand social well being
Taught and then supported to implement more adaptive social and problem solving skills
To complete a programme, achieve success, and for this to be used as a positive narrative building the foundation for future positive outcomes
Learning and then practicing a range of verbal and non-verbal self-protective behaviours
Increasing their self-esteem and self-efficacy
Improving body, emotional and self-awareness and by doing so, improving their ability to regulate their emotions and behaviours
Learning and experimenting with social behaviours that are deemed appropriate, acceptable and safe
Increasing their social competency
Learning and practicing relaxation exercises and to experience greater sense of inner calm
Experiencing a sense of a positive school community
Connecting with different cultural groups around a common activity (e.g., Rock and Water, physical activity) and provided with structure and boundaries within this relationship development process